COMMISSION: Editorial - Brygg Magazine - Coffee Story

Today my work was published in Brygg Magazine 


WORDS Lene Haugerud

PHOTO Hayley Benoit

TIME December 6, 2015

Verdens Beste Kaffeby?

I Melbourne får du en god kopp kaffe på hvert eneste gatehjørne, byen har en lang og stolt espressokultur. De siste par årene har også håndbrygg kommet for fullt.

I disse dager er det lett å få tak i god kaffe nesten uansett hvor man drar, du må kanskje planlegge eller gå deg litt vill, men den som leter vil finne. Det som gjør Melbourne unik er at de gode kafeene finnes absolutt overalt. Det har nesten blitt en umulig oppgave å få servert dårlig kaffe i Australias nest største by, og det er også derfor Melbourne kan meske seg med den uoffisielle tittelen: verdens beste kaffeby.

Ja, du kan kanskje finne en bedre kopp andre steder, men du kan neppe finne en by med et like stort utvalg av kvalitetskaffe i hver eneste bydel. En uke er ikke nok til å drikke seg gjennom alle kaffebarene man ønsker å besøke, og du blir fort overrasket over kvaliteten på kafeer som ikke er en del av det tradisjonelle spesialkaffemiljøet. I Melbourne må man rett og slett legge bort noen av sine kaffefordommer.

Få steder står brunsjkulturen så sterkt som her. De aller fleste kaffebarer tilbyr også en appetittvekkende matmeny bestående av avokadotoast, posjerte egg så langt øyet kan se, surdeigsbrød og hjemmelaget granola. Og ricottapannekaker, selvfølgelig. Gjerne med ferske bær, eller rabarbrakompott.

I Melbourne er det like naturlig at gode brunsjkafeer tar kaffe seriøst, som at kaffebrennerier tar brunsj seriøst. Proud Mary er en brunsjinstitusjon i bydelen Collingwood, de brenner sine egne bønner, og tilbyr en rekke håndbrygg, i tillegg til mat. Auction Room drives av brenneriet Small Batch, hvor du nå finner tidligere Tim Wendelboe-ansatt Tim Varney, og her er brunsjen overraskende halve moroa.

Mens brunsj i New York fort kan bli en våt affære, med brunsjcocktails og bottomless mimoas, så handler brunsj i Melbourne om god kaffe og enda bedre mat. Med lokale, ferske råvarer året rundt, finnes det ikke dvaske tomater, eller hard avokado å oppdrive på en eneste tallerken.

Australia har blitt verdenskjent for sin signaturkaffedrikk, en flat white. Filterkaffe har lenge vært forbundet med dårlig amerikansk dinerkaffe, men håndbrygg har begynt å få et sterkere fotfeste de siste par årene. Mange steder har egne bryggebarer for håndbrygg, og aller best er kanskje Dukes Coffee Roasters og Filter, men det er vanskelig å dømme et sted på bakgrunn av ett dårlig håndbrygg – da en barista kan ha hatt en dårlig dag, eller vært uforsiktig i et lite øyeblikk. Et håndbrygg er lettere å ødelegge enn å perfeksjonere. Cappuccinoen i Australia er også en saga i seg selv, da et tynt lag med kakaopulver avslutter drikken, helt uten at det blir for søtt, men runder av melkeskummet på en elegant måte.

Om Melbourne er verdens beste kaffeby? Det er vanskelig å svare på, men det enorme utvalget av gode kaffeopplevelser er nok til å gjøre en hvilken som helst kaffeby misunnelig.


På Altius finner du kanskje Melbournes søteste kaffepar. Hanna Alderton og Jarred Pageot startet den bittelille kaffebaren i oktober i fjor – men  de har allerede rukket å finne formen. Paret brenner ikke sin egen kaffe, men kverner kaffebønner fra steder som Small Batch og Market Lane. Både espresso og V60 står på menyen. Hannah og Jarred har gjort det meste ut av de få kvadratmeterne, og byr på et elegant lokale bestående av minimalistiske veggfliser, en innbydende kaffedisk, et lite trebord med friske blomster og plass til fire gjester, samt et åpent vindu ut mot Flinders Lane. Som relativt nyåpnet finner Altius fortsatt sin plass i Melbournes kaffejungel, og kundegruppen består av både forretningsfolk som jobber i området og kaffefolk som har tatt turen ens ærend.

517 Flinders Lane


Du finner Dukes Coffee Roasters i en av Melbournes mest sjarmerende gater, litt for turistifisert vil noen si, men turistifisert på akkurat den riktige måten. Av Flinders Lane finner du en rekke trange, små alléer fylt med sjarmerende kafeer og spisesteder, samt arkader proppet til randen med spennende butikker. Litt gammeldags, mye sjarm, og en god dose nostalgi for en svunnen tid. Kun et steinkast unna ligger Dukes, kaffebaren som også er et kaffebrenneri. Kaffebønnene kommer til sin rett i en spesialbygget bryggebar, kaffen serveres i glass fra Japan og i spesialdesignet keramikk fra en lokal designer. Lokalet er minimalistisk på en måte som passer omgivelsen godt, med innslag av lyst treverk og mønstrede gulvfliser. Det aller beste er kanskje den lange bardisken hvor du kan sitte å se på baristaen brygge en v60, mens han (eller hun) forteller deg om kaffen og hvor den kommer fra. En intim kaffeopplevelse i et sjarmerende område.

247 Flinders Lane


Hvis du spør en lokal melbourner om kaffetips, er sjansen stor for at de vil svare Everyday Coffee. Denne kaffebaren er både en nabolagsfavoritt, og en destinasjon for kaffekjennere. På menyen står et rullerende utvalg av kaffebønner fra byens beste kaffebrennerier, sorte espressodrikker brygges som regel på Seven Seeds Espresso, mens hvite espressodrikker lages av Small Batch Candyman. Det er også dryppkaffe å få, både filter og V60. Kaffen serveres i spesialdesignede kaffekrus med kaffebarens egen logo, du får også kjøpt med deg kaffekruset hjem, sammen med et godt utvalg av kaffeutstyr. Everyday Coffee er et bra sted for å drikke kaffe, men kanskje et enda bedre sted for å se og bli sett – kaffebaren ligger i den hippe bydelen Collingwood, på grensen til det ultrahippe Fitzroy.

33 Johnston Street


Sammen med Auction Rooms er dette en av Small Batchs to kafeer i Melbourne, men i motsetning til Auction Rooms er dette en rendyrket kaffelab med egne seksjoner for espressokaffe og håndbrygg. Håndbrygget, spør gjerne om en geisha, serveres i delikate glasskarafler med felthåndtak, og i små minimalistiske porselenkopper. Store vinduer åpner ut mot en travel sentrumsgate, og her kommer det mange forretningsfolk innom før jobb. Filter har også en egen liten avdeling med kaker. Det lyse treverket mot det industrielle gråfargede gulvet, og de store lyse vinduene, gir Filter et moderne skandinavisk preg. Her er ingenting overlatt til tilfeldighetene, men planlagt ned til siste detalj. Baristaene stopper gjerne for en liten prat, men lar deg også være alene om du ønsker det.

555 Collins Street


Market Lane er nesten et imperium i Melbourne med sine fem avdelinger. Den hyggeligste finner du kanskje i Therry Street kun et stråkast unna Queen Victoria Market – byens største matmarked. På Therry Street møter du imøtekommende baristaer i Market Lanes karakteristiske blå forklær, du møter hvite, minimalistiske lokaler og du møter stjernen i rommet – en Synesso espressomaskin. Hipstere sitter lettere henslengt i vinduet, eller på trebenker som er plassert opp i mot de sparsomme veggene, mens en enkel krittmeny henger på veggen. Market Lane tilbyr også håndbrygg på egenbrente bønner – men en espressobasert kaffedrikk er nok veien å gå her.

109/111 Therry Street


Midt i hjertet av Melbournes businessdistrikt finner du Patricia, et lite lokale med noen få melkekasser som sitteplasser på gaten utenfor. Inne summer det av stemmer og kaffemaskiner, utenfor summer det av mennesker og byliv. Her kommer finansnæringen for sin første eller tredje daglige koffeinfiks på vei til et viktig møte, men her kommer også kaffekjennerne som har tatt veien for kaffen alene. V60 brygges til perfeksjon, melkeskummet på en cappuccino er akkurat så fløyelsmykt det skal være, baristaer smiler i spesialdesignende lærforklær. Patricia har noe genuint over seg, og stedet snakker i mange toneleier, det er kanskje ikke rart at Tim Varney kaller stedet hans favorittsted i hele verden?

493-495 Little Bourke Street

COMMISSION: Broadsheet Melbourne - Editorial - Portraits - Summer Shorts

Published on 19 November 2015


Summer Shorts - Broadsheet Melbourne

Summer always feels too short. We ask three up-and-coming Melbourne women how they’ll make the most of their summer, in partnership with Nobody Denim.

Sometimes it feels like you’ve just mastered the pineapple mojito and inflated your backyard pool when pineapples go out of season and your pool fills with rain. Not this year! We asked some of our favourite women, three people, who are sure to be icons, to tell us in five words or less what makes their summer. Their answers are short, but act on their inspiration and your summer will stretch on for ages.

Savannah Anand-Sobti

Savannah Anand-Sobti is the creative director of Ladies of Leisure, a zine about young and creative women by young and creative women. Ladies of Leisure recently ran a workshop series featuring topics such as “friend speed dating” and “superstar emails for writing and everyday life”.

Where’s your number one daytime summer spot?
The courtyard at Monty’s

Where’s your number one nighttime summer spot?
The balconies at Cookie

Where do you go to be inspired over summer?
Hangs with my LOL babes

What’s your iconic summer song?
Just a Girl – No Doubt

What’s your iconic summer drink?

What’s your iconic summer meal?
Watermelon eaten with a spoon

Who is your summer style icon?
Confident babes on the street

Which iconic Melbourne place is your favourite?
Edinburgh Gardens and Carlton Gardens

Describe your ideal iconic summer day.
Road trip down the coast

What inspires you in summer?
Sunshine and everyone’s blissful attitude

What are your summer plans?
NYC, Sri Lanka, adventures

Al Parkinson

The soulful ukulele-laced songs of Al Parkinson will hit you right in your feelings. She’s planning to record an EP in the converted church she just moved into.

Where’s your number one daytime summer spot?
Nothing beats the beach. Ever.

Where’s your number one nighttime summer spot?
Basketball court with my boyf

Where do you go to be inspired over summer?
The city with headphones, people-watching.

What’s your iconic summer song?
Smokestack Lightnin’ by Howlin’ Wolf

What’s your iconic summer drink?
Gin and tonic

What’s your iconic summer meal?
Golden Gaytimes or Paddle Pops

Who is your summer style icon?
Larry Emdur. His Instagram = BEST

Which iconic Melbourne place is your favourite?
The Palais or the Forum

Describe your ideal iconic summer day.
Tunes, salt water & gin.

What inspires you in summer?
The smell. Summer smells good.

What are your summer plans?
Sing, sweat, dance and laugh

Majda Rahmanovic

After running café and design space Twenty and Six Espresso for over three years, Majda Rahmanovic is about to open new restaurant Host. As an interior designer working alongside her graphic designer husband, we know her new dining space in a Brunswick warehouse will be a work of art.

Where’s your number one daytime summer spot?
Green Park

Where’s your number one nighttime summer spot?
Heartattack and Vine

Where do you go to be inspired over summer?
Anywhere quiet and calm

What’s your iconic summer song?
Salad Days – Mac DeMarco

What’s your iconic summer drink?
Aperol spritz

What’s your iconic summer meal?
Too much ceviche

Who is your summer style icon?
My much more fashionable friends

Which iconic Melbourne place is your favourite?
Royal Exhibition Building and Gardens

Describe your ideal iconic summer day.
Road trip to the country

What inspires you in summer?

What are your summer plans?
Opening Host – can’t wait!

In partnership with Nobody Denim.

Work Uniform, Alpine Commissioned by Broadsheet - Melbourne

Shot by Hayley Benoit, August 2015.

Work Uniform: Phoebe Baker and Lou James from Alpine

BY IMOGEN DEWEY 20th August 2015

We talk to the local front women about the Spice Girls, designing jumpsuits and going nude.

The buzz around Melbourne band Alpine’s 2012 debut album, A is for Alpine, went global, from Pitchfork to Jimmy Kimmel. Its sophomore record, Yuck, released this year, is on high rotation around the country.

Alpine is definitely getting to, in their words, “That point where people start to recognise you.” But lead singers Phoebe Baker and Lou James still seem most excited about having a constant excuse to dress up.

Broadsheet: How would you describe your style?
Phoebe Baker:Your onstage style is the alter ego of your offstage style. There are particular styles in time that I’ve admired – one that stands out is the ‘60s and ‘70s, those jumpsuits. They just look so comfortable and cool. They’re my favourite things in the world to wear; they’re practical and fun. They feel strong and a bit funny – and lazy. We’re both a bit lazy.
Lou James: I don’t really like to follow trends, I find that really boring. I think Melbourne’s very safe, and it’s frustrating. Sometimes it’s exciting to have different-coloured hair or wear something weird.
PB: We’re not very fashionable.
LJ: But there’s a sense of freedom and release with that. It’s not like, “Oh, are people going to think this is in?” A lot of it’s not in. But we’re comfortable.

BS: What influences your performance-wear?
LJ: It’s a matter of what we’re into and how we’re feeling.
PB: Costumes are expensive. It’s a difficult resource to tap into, so my mum made a lot of our initial outfits and still does. Back in the ‘60s she worked in the costume department for a London theatre company – now she kind of gets to do it for us.
LJ: I also reached out on Facebook, and this guy suggested his sister, Juliet Bennie. We’re helping each other in a creative way; she’s getting more exposure and learning more, and we get to wear some crazy stuff.

BS: Tell us about your favourite pieces.
LJ: Right now it’s this overall dress. I got it for $20 and its got big pockets. I work in it, ride my bike, and just feel super comfortable. Phoebe’s mum made me an outfit which I wore on Jimmy Kimmel. It’s off-the-shoulder with these big puffy sleeves – I look like an Edwardian duke. It’s great because it was designed with her so no-one [else] owns it. I feel otherworldly in it.
PB: There’s one jumpsuit that has apples all over it. I wear it onstage and offstage and just love it. It feels great to wear fruit. That design came from The Sound of Music: a sleeveless dress that Maria wears in a hessian colour. I thought the top of that dress would make a great top of a jumpsuit.

BS: Any musical style icons?
PB: We both used to love The Spice Girls. To be inspired at such an early age by five women who are dressing extravagantly in these crazy ‘90s outfits – that started it. Then it was David Bowie, Kate Bush and Todd Rundgren, this glam thing that was going on. I’m into unisex style. But I do like dresses as well. I’d like to wear an Edwardian dress with a bustle. I have these dreams of wearing extravagant clothing and the stage is where I get to do that. But it’s difficult to get stuff: where do I find an Edwardian dress with a bustle I can wear on stage, that’s also a jumpsuit?
LJ: I’m inspired by people like Bush, Bowie, and Grace Jones; [performers] who use the stage as a platform to be whomever and whatever they want. And from performing it becomes part of their everyday lives. When we went to the States, places like LA and New York, people just wear whatever.
PB: London as well, I always found really liberating. There were always people wearing wild outfits and having a lot of fun with it.
LJ: It’s great once you know what works on your body, and what things you’re inspired by. If I went to Japan I think I would die and go to heaven, I’d just want everything.

BS: Do you have something in mind, when you get dressed everyday?
LJ: Nope. Oh, performing sometimes. I like to have lots of options for stage outfits, to try and reflect exactly how I’m feeling. Once you’re on stage you should feel 100 per cent confident and empowered to express your art and share it with everyone.
PB: When you’re comfortable, then you can forget about the outfit (or work with and have fun with it).

BS: Do you dress differently for a festival show than a stage show?
LJ: There’s something about a festival, because everyone else dresses up too. I always look forward to wearing something a little bit more out there.
PB: Festival audiences are more willing to escape with you and go on whatever adventure you’re going on, whereas at a gig in the city you have to work hard to help everyone get there.
LJ: We try very hard with that. We’re a very visual band and we like to dress up – it’s about making people feel as comfortable and free as we do. Phoebe and I [studied] theatre together, and something about creating that world on stage and having people come with you is really amazing.
PB: We’re still learning from it. Maybe next year we wont wear jumpsuits, and there’ll be no makeup or glitter.
LJ: Maybe we’ll be naked.
PB: [Laughs] Maybe we will just … be naked. People will definitely come on that journey.

Alpine was photographed at the old Tongue and Groove showroom in Fitzroy. Yuck is out now.

COMMISSION: Broadsheet Melbourne - Portrait Baro

Baro Meets World


DATE 27th July 2015

Shot By Hayley Benoit, July 2015

The Australian hip-hop artist is graduating into adulthood with his debut EP. We meet him for a game of pool.

From his flippancy on social media and the content of his lyrics, Baro comes across as your typical teenage guy. He offers two-word answers to questions posted on his Tumblr, and his Facebook cover photo has a speech bubble that makes it look like his profile photo is saying “flaccid willy”. But in person, Baro has depth. The 18-year-old has a wiser and more thoughtful aura to him than you’d expect. He talks about his plans in earnest and uses words like “obdurate”. His internet presence might say IDGAF, but his IRL attitude is the complete opposite.

It isn’t surprising to learn that at school, Baro Sura Sarka felt like he was on another wavelength to his classmates. “I was always on a different level,” Baro says, sitting on the couches at Fitzroy’s Red Triangle, an upstairs pool hall. “I was listening to different music. Like, even hip-hop and like jazz and soul. So I was always onto that. And the way I thought was way different to other kids. I was making music; they were playing footy on weekends and going to parties.”

Those musical tastes are something that show through on his debut EP 17/18, out now, and previous mixtape Howgoodisgood, released last year. His mature sound is what’s set him apart from his Australian peers, getting him noticed by Triple J (Baro was an Unearthed High finalist last year) and turning heads at Complexmagazine offshoot, the taste-making music site Pigeons & Planes, which premiered17/18 earlier this month.

No longer at school (he graduated last year), Baro has now found his people in the crew 90’s RD, which he describes as having the same mindset. “If you’re surrounded by like-minded people you’re obviously going to excel,” he says. “Although we all think the same … there’re different little things. You get influenced by different people and better yourself as a person and creatively.”

90’s RD is made up of Baro, Charlie Threads, Marcus, Mosè, Nasty Mars, KushDaddy$lavens, Sol’MANIC, Te Waere and Yobi Masenqo. Similar in age as well as world view, the hip-hop collective has one goal. “The one thing we want to do is build a fucking empire,” Baro says. “That’s our plan.”

It’s here that Nasty Mars, sitting next to Baro, chimes in. “We’re like a bunch of people that don’t have, like, a box mentality. We see in terms of doing creative stuff,” he says. “We can make movies, we can make music and we can make clothes. We can do everything like the world is our oyster. That’s how everybody in 90’s RD thinks.”

Baro has said before how one of his biggest influences is Tyler, the Creator, and in this respect you can draw the parallels between 90’s RD and Odd Future. It’s more than just the music. Personal style and stretching into different creative outlets – whether clothing, art or film – is clearly inspired by the way Odd Future’s brand, Golf Wang, has extended beyond music.

But for Baro the music Tyler was making was what first set him on his path. “I was influenced by Tyler and Odd Future since I was in Year 9 when Goblin came out,” he says. “I was listening to Bastard and that was literally the best shit I ever heard in my life. I was so happy that was a thing. Like, that pretty much inspired me to pursue music. I was [already] doing music, but, like, to actually do it properly … I could be something.”

Being at the tail end of teenagedome, much of Baro’s lyrics have revolved around him transitioning from boy to man. He says it, “hasn’t really been tough. It’s just been different.”

“I didn’t really go to school last year because I was doing music, so [it’s] just that whole change – finishing school, doing music … expecting to make big-arse decisions. It’s been cool.”

While Baro has toured with the big names in Aussie hip-hop – Thundamentals, Allday, Remi, Spit Syndicate – he and 90’s RD are firing shots at the scene that he’s labelled as broken.

“Aussie hip-hop is weak as fuck, and there’s no character in it,” he says. “It feels so fabricated and … people feel they have to be a certain thing, and they have it completely wrong. [90’s RD] wants to bring authenticity musically and character-wise.”

90’s RD isn’t about empty words, though; it’s working hard to bring fresh blood and feeling to the Aussie hip-hop scene.

“It’s working out,” Baro says. “My friend Marcus just released his mixtape,PIZZA4BRKFST/CEREALAT3AM, and that’s doing really well. I releasedHowgoodisgood last year, and that went well, and everyone’s about to release their shit. And it’s actually really good. [There’s] not just one person in the crew who’s a good artist, everybody’s great at what they do. It’s beautiful.”

Baro plays at Shebeen on August 1. Tickets are available here. 17/18 is out now.

Shot By Hayley Benoit, July 2015

Shot By Hayley Benoit, July 2015

Shot By Hayley Benoit, July 2015

Shot By Hayley Benoit, July 2015

This site, contents and all images are copyright © Hayley Benoit. Images may not be downloaded, copied, used or published without permission.
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